MOVE - Our Signature Program


MOVE teaches us how to overcome burnout and fatigue, create energy, and move forward into a winnable game through a fusion of live yoga and barre workouts, monthly kick-off parties, goal setting segments, fun movement challenges, mid-month check-ins, a creative community of accountability through slack, two collaboration opportunities per month, one guest speaker per month, and so many more amazing bonuses including discounts on swag, and a daily habit tracker!

Once you enroll in MOVE, you will be automatically be enrolled in all live classes, kick off parties, mid-month check-ins, and alllllll the bonuses! Each class, meeting, etc. will be recorded and emailed to you after in case you can’t make the lives. You will have access to it for 14 days and then it will live forever in our on-demand library.

We are missing one thing in this program & it's YOU! Are you ready to MOVE? It's time you bet on yourself and go for it! I'll be with you every step of the way. Together we totally can! 💛 Let's #MoveForward


Are you ready to MOVE?


When you join MOVE, this is what you get:

⚡️Monthly Virtual Kick-Off Parties!! 🥳

⚡️Individual Goal Setting

⚡️3 Live YogaBarre Classes per Week! 2 during the week & 1 on the weekend (All dropped inside the studio if you can’t make the live!)

⚡️Fun Movement Challenges

⚡️Daily Habit Tracker

⚡️All Access to our On-Demand Library

⚡️24/7 Access to Me through our Slack Group

⚡️Mid-Month Check-Ins ✔️

⚡️Exclusive discounts in the Wellness Boutique for ALL the Swag 🛍

⚡️Legit connections to the women who are showing up with you! 💥

⚡️1 Guest Speaker per Month

⚡️2 Collaboration Times (Network with the Team girl! We’re here for it!)

⚡️ YOU!! You are the most important part of this & it’s time you bet on yourself 🤍

Check out the feedback from our Members

MOVE is for you if you’re ready for some accountability to really hit your goals! This community is so encouraging & deep down all of us knew what to do, we just needed someone to hold us to it.

MOVE is exactly that, your community of accountability and encouragement.

Here are some FAQs

Q: What if I’m unmotivated working out by myself?
A: Tune in live! When we show up together we’re more motivated to get it done!

Q: What if I have no space?
A: That’s completely okay! I started HBS as a military spouse, moving from place to place. It used to drive me nuts to not have my own space to move, but once I pushed through and got comfortable with the uncomfortable, I experienced the empowering agility and resilience that comes from adapting to our environment.

Q: What if I don't have time?
A: Our workouts vary in time to support the on-the-go lifestyle we're used to. We exist to help you make the time that you have, count.

There will always be reasons not to. Today, I invite you to explore all the reasons why you should.

You landed on this page for a reason. Let this be your sign to go for it. I’ll be with you every step of the way.