The Benefits of Camel Pose or Ustrasana and How to Do It

Camel Pose

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is an energizing, heart opening, releasing posture, and a beneficial backbend.

An incredible addition to your yoga sequence that opens the front body and counteracts slouching relieving lower back pain making this great for people working at a desk often. This opening pose stretches the front of the body including the chest, abdomen, quadriceps, heart, neck, and shoulders leaving you feeling open and empowered. Camel pose improves spinal mobility and really brings you into the present moment with your breath! This yoga asana is a beautiful opening of the heart chakra - your energy center for love, caring, and compassion.

Camel pose is said to be named after the shape that resembles the hump on a camel’s back. There is much more to bring into our awareness when looking to the name and approaching the pose. Let’s talk a bit about the majestic camel! The name camel has an Arabic translation meaning beauty. That’s how this pose feels - like beauty emerging from your heart space. Camels are known for their patient, slow and steady, almost methodical way of moving. Rather than trying to hurry ourselves into the pose, we can choose embody the camel spirit by moving slowly, mindfully, and methodically. Camels use their humps for fuel reserves, ready to be used when needed most. This type of physical preparation is essential for the camel just as it is for us as we approach this pose. Take your time to gather all you’ll need to come in and out of this back bending journey with ease and beauty.

How to do Camel Pose, Ustrasana:

  • From Child’s pose, rise up to Hero’s pose. Come up onto both knees (in a kneeling position), placing them hip width apart, and stacking the shoulders over the hips and knees. Place the palms of the hands on the sacrum with the fingers pointed down.

  • Inhale and press the knees down reaching the crown of the head up towards the sky to lengthen the spine. Exhale and press the hips forward, squeezing the buttocks and thighs, engage the core, and supporting your weight with the arms (hands on sacrum) as you invite the body to bend backwards.

  • Very carefully reach one hand up toward to sky and windmill down to the heel one arm at a time. If you cannot reach the heels keep the hands on the sacrum, or incorporate blocks! You can add blocks to the outside of your ankles creating more height and space. Windmill the hands down to the blocks instead of the heels.

  • If it feels good in your body, mindfully invite the head to drop all the way back.

  • Holding tightly onto the heels with each hand actively press the hips forward lifting the chest up towards the sky creating space and length in the spine versus bending back and adding compression to the vertebrae.

  • Breathe deeply while keeping this physical engagement and hold for 3-6 breaths.

  • To release, slowly windmill one arm at a time back to the sacrum.

  • With both hands on the sacrum, slowly inhale up, letting the head and neck be the last to come vertical.

  • Exhale gently and come back to where you started in Child’s pose. Breathe deeply here for 3-6 breaths.

Camel pose is one of spinal mobility, slow intentional movement, and an invitation to expand your reserves or tap into them when needed. Allow your heart to be opened and embody the true essence of camel pose, ustrasana.

We invite you to join us for a Full Moon class on August 11th, a heart opening flow that embraces the camel spirit!

Air Christie, RYT 500

Yoga is not work to me, it is my passionate practice, & I share this embodiment of my authentic self by guiding classes with intention & heart. I have spent many years of self study & practice to find my path to teaching yoga. This journey continues on as my heart stays open to walking a yogic life. I graduated with my 500-hour yoga teacher certification from Zuna Yoga, in Bali Indonesia where I spent over 2 months devoting my life to learn how to guide students through yoga practice in an intensive, immersive training program that awoke the teacher within. I have been guiding students since June 2019. I have also obtained certifications in Buti & Hot Buti Yoga, with Veterans Yoga Project, WAE, Somatic Yoga, & The Resilient Heart™ Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath®. Opening my soul to future trainings, as I’m excited to further expand in my practice & knowledge through training, & share wisdom learned through yoga practice with students.

I’m excited to meet you on the mat and be on this empowering journey with you. Honored to be your guide to your own inner journey with yoga. I teach yoga to share the tools to self-care & self-love with mind-body connection through the practices of movement, breath, & meditation. Yoga teaches us to honor our true authentic selves & accept where we are in the moment. Each day on the mat is a new experience & opportunity to challenge the body as well as nurture it.

I strive to be a clear & compassionate guide by creating a nonjudgmental environment that encourages students to feel safe, confident, & accepted. I show up as my best self to give precise & effective cues to safely get into poses while maintaining the most important part, Prana! In classes I encourage students to let go of competitiveness, judgments, & distracting thoughts, as they breathe and move mindfully…one breath-one movement. Cultivating the wisdom of yoga as a tool to journey into the intelligence of the body, by tuning into the breath & intention of each pose, in the present moment. While always inviting students to honor & listen to their bodies. There is no need to force ourselves into shapes that are not right for us, everybody is different. In yoga we cultivate kindness to ourselves & honesty about what we need in the moment. Being open to honor & trust our flow as we share energy in the space of the studio room.

May you have peace in the mind.
Strength in the body.
And love within your heart.


Lion’s Gate 88 Portal - August 8th, 2022


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