New Moon and Full Moon - July 2022

Super Full Moon Capricorn: July 13th

July’s Super Full Moon is rising after sunset on Wednesday, July 13th. This will be the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year! This is the second Super Full Moon in a lineup of three. Super Full Moons are nice and close to Earth, enhancing their effects. Full Moons draw things out of us, making them a powerful time for detoxifying, release, and illumination. This is a wonderful time to invite detox into our lives. Ask yourself, what is something I need to release? This is also a great time for inner communion and a detoxifying yoga flow! There is some tough-love energy around this Full Moon which is asking us to take responsibility for our actions. It is time to step into your light and power. We may feel called to step up to the plate and take ownership of what we want, need, or desire. Capricorn energy teaches us the power of structure, allowing us to be open to delayed gratification and setting goals for the long haul. Capricorn is the tenth of the twelve zodiac signs. The essence of Capricorn energy is loyal, structured, family-minded, hardworking, devoted, honest, and paternal. If we have been feeling stuck or stagnant, this Full Moon can bring a positive shift, but we will have to take the initiative to get things moving. Capricorn Full Moon could bring exciting new professional and/or personal opportunities. It may also invite a burst of energy helping you complete a project. The Full Moon in Capricorn is opposite the sun and Mercury in Cancer. This is the axis that describes our home lives, career, family, nurturing environments, and structures. The Cancer energy is asking us to rest and really listen to our hearts true desires.

Practice this Super Full Moon Yoga Flow and Meditation with me. Click here for class.

New Moon in Leo July 28th

The Leo New Moon carries sweet, restorative, self- love energy! This is a beautiful New Moon that will encourage us to focus on self-nourishment, self-care, and self-love. If you have been overdoing it since the Super Full Moon with Capricorns motivational energies, this may be the time to wind down. Have you been burning the candle at both ends? Good news, this New Moon will help you create more balance with the calming yet fierce energy of Leo. Leo energy is big on making you feel like a Queen, and rightfully so, as you are! It’s not just Leo energy that’s ramping up on this New Moon. Venus is in Leo encouraging you to pamper yourself so you can look and feel your best. Venus is also paired up with Uranus. This energy can bring you to a place where you want to shake up your love life. This energy also asks you to focus your attention to what is serving you and what is not serving you. Relationships may have been on the forefront of your mind in recent days, but this New Moon can help to soften any challenges. In fact, this New Moon in Leo brings a lightness into your being and brings feelings that encourage you to make time for the things that fill you up.

Take this time to soften and be gentle with yourself. Indulge in something that will refill your cup, so you can shine at your brightest.

Practice this New Moon Restorative Flow with me. Click here for class.

Air Christie, RYT 500

Yoga is not work to me, it is my passionate practice, & I share this embodiment of my authentic self by guiding classes with intention & heart. I have spent many years of self study & practice to find my path to teaching yoga. This journey continues on as my heart stays open to walking a yogic life. I graduated with my 500-hour yoga teacher certification from Zuna Yoga, in Bali Indonesia where I spent over 2 months devoting my life to learn how to guide students through yoga practice in an intensive, immersive training program that awoke the teacher within. I have been guiding students since June 2019. I have also obtained certifications in Buti & Hot Buti Yoga, with Veterans Yoga Project, WAE, Somatic Yoga, & The Resilient Heart™ Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath®. Opening my soul to future trainings, as I’m excited to further expand in my practice & knowledge through training, & share wisdom learned through yoga practice with students.

I’m excited to meet you on the mat and be on this empowering journey with you. Honored to be your guide to your own inner journey with yoga. I teach yoga to share the tools to self-care & self-love with mind-body connection through the practices of movement, breath, & meditation. Yoga teaches us to honor our true authentic selves & accept where we are in the moment. Each day on the mat is a new experience & opportunity to challenge the body as well as nurture it.

I strive to be a clear & compassionate guide by creating a nonjudgmental environment that encourages students to feel safe, confident, & accepted. I show up as my best self to give precise & effective cues to safely get into poses while maintaining the most important part, Prana! In classes I encourage students to let go of competitiveness, judgments, & distracting thoughts, as they breathe and move mindfully…one breath-one movement. Cultivating the wisdom of yoga as a tool to journey into the intelligence of the body, by tuning into the breath & intention of each pose, in the present moment. While always inviting students to honor & listen to their bodies. There is no need to force ourselves into shapes that are not right for us, everybody is different. In yoga we cultivate kindness to ourselves & honesty about what we need in the moment. Being open to honor & trust our flow as we share energy in the space of the studio room.

May you have peace in the mind.
Strength in the body.
And love within your heart.


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