5 Barre Moves that Tone and Tighten for a Quick Full Body Workout Anywhere

As busy humans quick and effective is our love language, and this workout hits the mark. It raises your heart rate increasing cardiovascular health, sets those quads on fire burning more calories out of those bigger muscles, and teaches you poise in the turbulence. (The shaky legs from barre is what I’m referring to here!) Plus, you’ll carry the vibration of your workout throughout the day. Hello new energy & a new found bounce in your step. Let’s get started! 

Move 1: Wide Second Pivot to Lunge 15x per side - this move may seem easy at first as you pivot in and out of your postures to some good vibe music, but soon after you begin you’ll be wondering how long this is going to last! 
To start, take a wide second or a standing straddle position. Squat down toes pointed out with arms floating out to a T position. Take a mini pulse and pivot into a lunge position facing a side wall. Take a tiny pulse, and pivot back into your starting posture. Repeat this 15x in each direction. 

Move 2: One legged Glute Bridge 15x per side - to start lie on your back with feet on the floor, knees facing up. Hands are down by your sides, palms facing down. Roll your shoulder blades back like they’re wrapping around your spine. Lift one leg into the air and keep the other foot planted. Press through your heel and lift your hips off of the ground. Lower down to a hover and lift again. Continue this pattern 15x per side. As you press up and down keep your hips level and your glutes turned on. Move slowly and intentionally to stay safe & get more for your efforts. Your glutes will thank you later! 

Move 3: Curtesy to Oblique Crunch 15x per side - for this cardio pumping energy giving move start in a wide second. (The same way we set up for Move 1) Cross your right foot behind your left and squat down into a curtesy lunge while you reach for the floor with your right hand. As you move back towards standing place your hands at the base of your skull and lift your right knee to your right elbow. Keep a strong core or engaged belly as you move back and forth through these postures. Think belly to spine. This protects your low back, provides more stability and balance, plus it ensures you get a strong oblique crunch at the top. Repeat this bad boy 15x on each side. Your heart rate will go up here, so make sure you have some water and take mini breaks when you need to. 

Move 4: Sliding Lunge with Bicep Curl 15x per side - for this one grab a hand towel, paper towel, or paper plate! Also, you may need to stand behind a table, couch, or anything else you can hold onto for balance. (Not always needed, but great to have if this is the first time you’re trying this move.) When you feel confident in your balance feel free to add some hand weights for the bicep curl. Start with feet together toes facing forward. Place your prop under your left foot. Keep the left knee slightly bent as you’re setting up. Begin sliding the left foot back into a lunge position. I like to say “down 2, 3, 4, up, 2, 3, 4” Slow and intentional is what we’re aiming for with this move! Now, when you get into the full lunge the hands (and weights if you added them in) should be at your shoulders, the top of the curl. On your way up the hands come down to your hips back into starting position. There you have it - the sliding lunge with bicep curl. Repeat this move on each leg 15x. You’re actually getting in 30 curls, so we’re hitting those sexy arms twice! 

Move 5: Star Abs 2 sets of 8 - I have a love/strong dislike relationship with this move as it chisels your core, but takes a lot of mind over matter to make it through the first few times. No worries though - there’s no time limit on success girl! For this one, start lying down on your back. Lift head, neck, upper back, and feet off the floor moving into a hallow body or canoe in yoga. Once your here take arms and legs out to the sides in the shape of an X or star depending on your perception. Return to your hallow body & keep tallying those reps. 2 sets of 8 here, you got this! 

Once you’ve finished your rounds you will feel the difference in the muscles. From the shaking lunges, to the heavy breath of the curtesy and oblique crunch, to the tone of your backside thanks to those single leg glute lifts! These are 5 Barre Movements to tone and tighten the full body. This workout is quick and effective alleviating the stress of time and all the guesswork. Have at it girl! I’m rooting for you!

If you want more of a tailored wellness experience join our signature program MOVE where you have access to me all month long, 24/7 access to our virtual studio, kick off parties, mid-month check-ins, networking, and so much more. Click here to learn more. We would love to have you inside! 

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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