5 Yoga Poses to Shake Excessive Fatigue and Lack of Direction

Yoga can stimulate many things and help get to down to the root cause of so much including lack of creativity, motivation, excessive fatigue and so on. As creatives we tend to need a second shot of creativity now and then and sometimes (just speaking for myself here) a kick in the ass. Here’s 5 yoga poses that give you just that. You can do these anywhere. No equipment needed so no excuses allowed!


1)  Warrior 2 – In this pose you are engaging through your midsection and breathing into the solar plexus charka located right above your navel. You are strong in and throughout with your center completely engaged. The breath will stimulate your center and help bring stability into the feelings of lack. You know … lack of direction, lack of motivation, lack of energy and low self-esteem. Yeah those … that’s enough of those.  


Oh! And! Some Yoga Science - Your Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for these feelings that are showing up. You are off balance and as we move through these poses know that we are unlocking blockages and moving old energy out of the way to clear a path for new energy leaving you feeling renewed and harmonious. #movementismedicine SRSLY!


2) Dancing Warrior – Starting in Warrior 2 flow into Reverse Warrior and back forward finding a similar side body stretch as you lean onto your forearm that is planted on your thigh. This creates a long diagonal line from pinky toe all the way to your fingertips on one side. TIP: Shoulder away from ear! Don’t sink into that shoulder. Keep pressing through the elbow. Move back and forth flowing through each pose using your breath to guide your pace while stimulating your center. You are completely engaged in your deep core and now adding movement to loosen stagnant energy and move it out. Your body needs this movement to break free.

3) Plank – Nothing says core (and solar plexus) energy like a solid plank pose. Fire up those abdominals and renew your sense of power! You are strong and this energy is lighting up inside you. You are stepping into your power and physically burning off the stagnant energy dragging you down. Hold it, lower your knees, keep pushing into those elbows and solidify your sense of purpose right here in this plank!


Can you tell we are focusing on our core right now? This is eye opening when we speak about it, because the core location of this chakra represents the core of our authenticity, who we are, what we believe, our physical and emotional power, our self-esteem and our sense of purpose. It is so intriguing to me to see the science behind it all and how stimulating the physical location of the chakra where this center is located also stimulates the emotions associated with it. Meaning whenever the thoughts of lack creep in, lack of purpose, lack of direction, excessive fatigue you’ll know what to do to find your way home … your center, your why and your purpose!


4) Boat Pose – Light it up! This asana (meaning pose) fires up your deep core and helps you to physically find stability. By now I hope you know this also helps you find it in the other realms (emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.) If you suffer from low back pain feel free to keep your feet planted as you lean back. You can even place a rolled-up blanket or a firm pillow at the base of your tailbone. As you lean back and begin to lift the feet your back will be supported. There are so many variations you can take here. One foot up and one foot down. You can alternate them or simply stay still. If you’re feeling feisty hold that boat pose and start twisting (slow and controlled) side to side mimicking a Russian Twist. Side note: if you’re feeling feisty that energy is building and you are coming home to your power!!

5) Cat/Cow – This is a beautiful way to warm up the spine! But guess what! The opposite of that is your core. When you take in an inhale and drop your belly down you are stretching out the abdominals and creating space for energy to move. When you exhale and round your back like an angry cat you are stimulating that stagnant energy by engaging the abdominal muscles and pushing out that breath of fresh air. Move through this cat cow using your breath as your guide. Meaning if your breath is slow move slow. As the energy starts to move you will feel your body trying to find the deepest expression of both poses, cat and cow. You may even feel compelled to move side to side. Do it! Breathe into the movement and let your body lead. Your body knows what’s up!


With these 5 poses you can come back home to who you are … your authenticity and your sense of purpose in turn giving you the motivation you need to keep going. The fatigue is diminished, and your path is clear. Need more? Do them again. Still not enough? Join me inside The Studio where we focus on power and energy most of the time. Our classes are designed with the creative in mind. Questions? We’re here for you. Contact us and join our Facebook group to get extended resources at your fingertips.

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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