5 Easy Ways for Busy Women to Integrate Wellness into their Workday
Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

5 Easy Ways for Busy Women to Integrate Wellness into their Workday

Doing 1 creative exercise a day can help you sort and discharge your thoughts. It allows us the opportunity to digest all the information consumed by our brains during previous tasks. When our thoughts are processed all the way through this provides us with more space for clarity and focus on our next segment of work.

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The Power of Seven and How Seven Minutes Can Change Your Life.
Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

The Power of Seven and How Seven Minutes Can Change Your Life.

The power of seven is tremendous. Seven minutes of reading, seven minutes of an assignment, seven minutes of quiet to work out a situation mentally, seven minutes of alone time to work out your goals, dreams, and aspirations for the week, seven minutes of an at home sweat sesh, SEVEN MINUTES will change your life if you allow it to.

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5 Yoga Poses to Shake Excessive Fatigue and Lack of Direction
Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

5 Yoga Poses to Shake Excessive Fatigue and Lack of Direction

Yoga can stimulate many things and help get to down to the root cause of so much including lack of creativity, motivation, excessive fatigue and so on. As creatives we tend to need a second shot of creativity now and then and sometimes (just speaking for myself here) a kick in the ass. Here’s 5 yoga poses that give you just that. You can do these anywhere. No equipment needed so no excuses allowed!

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3 Hacks to Make Your New Routine Stick
Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Business Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

3 Hacks to Make Your New Routine Stick

We’ve all heard the importance of routine. The hard part is how to get it to stick. Let me lead with, routines are hard. Days look different and life can throw us for a loop. These tips are for the days that stay on the relatively normal track, the days that are like the ones before. On these days, I’ve tried numerous ways to get new things into my routine and have them stick and I’ve found there are three strategies that always work for me.

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"Elevate Your Essence:

Where Confidence Meets Holistic Health in Every Virtual Step!"

We are here to hold space for you while you rekindle energy and empowerment. Join the community, be supported, become strong in the body and mind, and rise with us as we more forward into creativity and creation of the life we envision for ourselves as we honor our careers, lifestyles, and mental health. Together we RISE.

Together we are HONEY BEE SWEAT.