5 Tips to Help You Stay Consistent

Have you ever worked out hard for about a month straight and after about two weeks of rest you felt your body backsliding? ME TOO! It’s the worst. You put all that sweat and hard work in just to watch it start to go back downhill to ground zero. It’s a shame we can’t just keep the tone and definition we’ve worked so hard for. Anywho, as you’ve experienced “Consistency is Key” and though it may be difficult I’ve listed five tips below to help you stay on track.


Routine breeds consistency. Your body expects it and then starts to crave it. Wake up in the morning and start the day the same way everyday. This helps your central nervous system to relax and not think about what comes next. A routine frees up space for the mind to relax enhancing your focus and creativity. It also allows for a deeper mind body connection not only throughout your day but also throughout your workout.



Routines are great, but there are so many things that can throw us off track in life. Don’t get too caught up in doing it EXACTLY the same way every time. Always try your best but, allow space for flexibility. If you wake up not feeling your best, give yourself a break. If you normally do your workouts outside in the morning and it’s pouring down rain, be flexible and move inside or workout after work instead of first thing in the am. Allow yourself some wiggle room to get things done at different times if you have to or be okay if you’re forced to switch up your rest day. Being gentle with yourself and your day will allow your body to be more stress free which reaps immense benefits! Less tension in the neck and shoulders, proper digestion and weight loss to name a few.


I used to shy away from this one. I loved having no one to hold me accountable so I could sneak in three rest days instead of two, but I will say having some accountability really did help me get to my goals a lot quicker! Our private Facebook community is a great way to go. You have women from all over with different versions of wellness all showing up, encouraging and inspiring you to get moving. It’s a space for women by women with messages of empowerment and courage, even at the end of really long weeks.


Whenever you invest in something the likelihood of you following through is much greater than if it was just given to you. Buy the cute workout clothes for this month, subscribe to the online course, or sign up for our popular at home workouts. When you put the money in, you show up and you see results. It’s the same in your business. When you invest in it, you show up and you see results. Investing in your goals is a great way to stay consistent!


There’s no better present than the one you wanted! Set yourself up for success by celebrating the small wins in life. If your goal is to workout twice this week and you nail it, reward yourself! I would say best practices when it comes to this is to set the reward at the same time you’re setting your goals. Try to match the reward with the effort you put in. A manicure and a brunch date with your biz bestie is a great reward for a week well spent and goals accomplished. A trip to Hawaii after a week of getting things done may not match up to a week worth of effort, but it may match up to a whole month or a whole quarter of laying your heart out on the line! You know you. You know how hard your weeks are and what a fair reward with no guilt looks like. Put in the effort and celebrate your heart out. Reward yourself, you’re doing this thing and we’re so proud of YOU!

There’s five. I hope these tips help you as they sure do help me through my day to day practices. If you ever feel like your rest break is getting to be a little too long remember these tips and get back on track. #ConsistencyisKey If you haven’t already, join our private Facebook group and get one of these checked off your list today. The girls and I are waiting to cheer you on.

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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