5 Hacks to Get You Out of a Creative Slump

Do you ever find yourself unmotivated and uninspired? How about the feeling like your cup of creativity just hit empty with no place to refill in sight? Does it last for a few days in a row? I call this the slump. I’ve been there before. In fact, I visit her quite often! Once a month, at least! Because of my frequent visits, I’ve put together a list of five things that help me get out of her house the fastest and I’m hoping they’ll help you too girl! #wereinthistogether


This is so underrated, especially when working from home or not having an office to report to. #EntrepreneursUNITE Whenever, I feel like I’ve been in one place too long, scrolling through my social feeds and the same posts start to show up multiple times, yeah I’m headed for the slump. If it’s during the day this is my cue to get dressed, like all the way dressed, hair, makeup, heels, you get it and get back to my desk asap! If you’re going through your day and start feeling, well … BLAH, (same girl, been there) head to the closet and start making things happen. Do not go visit the slump! Turn around, YOU CAN DO THIS!


Knowing when to lay it down can be confusing. There has been so many times my body felt fine and I continued to push. My thought was hey, all your doing is sitting and getting some work done on the computer. GIRL! My mind was EXHAUSTED! Naps are not just for your body. You need to nap for your mental health. I mean, we know this, but we don’t honor this. Please take this as complete permission to lay the …. down, especially if your thoughts are starting to look over your to-do list more than five times and not actually make any progress. Relax girl! You cannot pour from an empty cup. You cannot show up as your best self if your creative cup hasn’t been filled with some quality R&R! No need to visit the slump. Grab a nap, sleep in late, go to bed early and SHOW UP! Show up for you, your business and your GIRL BOSS GOALS!


This can be key to getting away from the slump. One way to tell if you need to move is to “try” to recall the last three days. If you haven’t done any type of exercise or workout the past few days, it’s time girl. Get up & let’s move it. Please remember, wellness is different for everyone. I’m not going to tell you how to move, I’m just going to tell you to do it. This could look like a break in your day to walk the dogs, a walk by yourself, or an all out sprint a couple times up and down the stairs! Dare I mention the varieties of workouts we have to get you moving? (wink) Whatever it is you like to do, get to it. It’s time to move that stagnant energy in your body and release it. Make room for the new energy, allow it to buzz through your body, pump your blood and refill your creative cup. #MovementisMedicine


You’ve heard it before and I’ll take the opportunity to share it again, DRINK YOUR WATER. If your body is dehydrated you will be on your way to the slump before you know it.(guilty) Dehydration will creep in and slowly start to rob you of your creative genius! Always keep water nearby. In fact, I would say carry water around like it’s the newest iPhone! I know we try, but to keep our creative cup at max capacity we need to literally fill it up with some H2O, and if you’re feeling fancy throw in a dash of lemon. In addition, consuming some energy boosting foods for lunch or just for an
everyday snack will act as a best friend steering you straight away from your ex, the slump. Some of these beautiful energy boosters are bananas, chia seeds, salmon, leafy greens, oatmeal, edamame and nuts. Oh! And a hot cup of
lovely green tea. These quality energy stabilizers bring on the good vibes and creative times.


By tunes, I mean your favorite podcast. Tune into your go-to inspiring, uplifting, empowering or energizing podcast. Hearing the stories of others can instantly give you the mood boost or the spark of creativity you’ve been looking for. We are a sisterhood, a collective, a community of Boss Babes soaking up little doses of sunshine from each other and sharing the love. A few of my favorite tunes right now are Sakara Life Podcast and MindBodyGreen Podcast.

With these quick tips you’re bound to release that stagnant energy, unblock your creative mind and feel empowered to create beautiful things all the while continuing to fill your creative cup. I hope you can implement at least a few these when you start to feel the slump coming on. We’ve all been there and now we all have some sustainable tips to get us back on track. Keep moving girl, YOU GOT THIS!

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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Supporting the Community and the Collective