5 Easy Ways for Busy Women to Integrate Wellness into their Workday

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There are so many small ways to integrate wellness into your workday. Some of my favorites are listed below. I invite you to play around with a few and see which ones work best for you. Once you get the hang of incorporating one or two of the wellness integration techniques below then you can start to add another one to increase your overall wellness practice even on the busiest of days.


1) 5 Minutes of Meditation Before Your Next Big Task – There are so many times throughout the day we move from one task to another without ever taking a break long enough to take a deep breath or even sort our thoughts. Hello, brain fog! This is one of the first things we need to change. To incorporate this gem into your day be sure to stop between tasks and take a few deep breaths or better yet, turn on a 5-minute meditation and get centered and clear before switching roles and wearing your next hat. You deserve this one!

*Let me tell you the magic that happens when you pause is brilliant for ease in your next to-do!


2) 1O Minutes of Walking – I love this one, because it’s not so taxing on the body yet efficient in reenergizing and refocusing during a long day. I recommend taking a 10-minute walk during lunch to get an amazing flood of wellness benefits including a boost in memory and retention, a boost in heart health, a reduction in stress, improvement in mood and an improvement in sleep! These are too good to pass up.

PRO TIP: Turn on your favorite podcast and enjoy the productivity while honoring work and wellness in tandem.


3) 15 minutes of Decompression – This is a boundary I’ve learned to love over time. I’m sure you’ve heard somebody coming home from work saying, “just give me a second!” or “give me a minute”. Yes, these memories remind us we all need a moment or two of decompression before we switch gears from work life into home life. Whether you’re coming home from work or just closing the laptop in your office to move into the living room at the end of the day, make sure you give yourself sometime to decompress. If 15 minutes is too long for you, start at 5 minutes. 5 full minutes of digesting your experience, your thoughts, and maybe your feelings. Then move into your next big thing.

PRO TIP: This is a great opportunity to journal. You can easily title the page “final thoughts” and just write words that come up. Nothing fancy, just an authentic release of whatever spills out.


4) 1 Creative Exercise – In my opinion, doing 1 creative exercise a day can help you sort and discharge your thoughts. It allows us the opportunity to digest all the information consumed by our brains during previous tasks. When our thoughts are processed all the way through this provides us with more space for clarity and focus on our next segment of work.

Best practice is to schedule in a creative exercise when you feel the most blah in your day. For example, mine is the after-lunch slump! It feels like I can never get back in gear after lunch … until I started doing a creative activity first. This gave me something productive to do while still not having to fully dive into a 100% brain capacity right away. It felt good. Now I look forward to my creative time instead of feeling guilty for dragging until 3pm. Win Win!


5) Go Outside or Open a Window – There is something magical about fresh air. It really is an energy healing tool. To allow yourself the beauty of work and wellness with an open window feels empowering. It’s the simplest thing, but it’s such a good integration technique to make work and wellness that much more sustainable. If you don’t have a window, never feel afraid to pack up the laptop and take it outside. You can find a quiet spot on the porch, patio, a bench, or a soft spot in the grass and continue to work while you soak in the natural benefits nature has to offer including her sporadic doses of inspiration.


There are plenty of small ways you can incorporate wellness into your workday. Try some of these out and let us know how it goes in an email, DM on IG, or private message on Facebook. AND!! Let us know your favorite ways to surround your workday in wellness. Drop us a comment and share with the community. We’re all in this together.

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Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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