7 Hacks to Make At-Home Workouts Work for You

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There are plenty excuses to find that will get you off the hook for your at-home workout, BUT there are also plenty of ways to make it fun and creative to keep you moving and looking forward to that at-home sweat sesh!

We took the liberty of rounding up a few of our favorite hacks that make at-home workouts fun and effective.


Commit to a time the night before – As creatives and women in business are schedules change and we adapt. Committing to a set workout time a few days in advance or even weeks at a time can open up the door for excuses to flood in about schedule changes and no time. We all know if we want something bad enough, we can make it happen, right? Right! So, by committing to a time to get your movement in the night before, you are that much more likely to go through with it.


Change the rules – Who says you have to workout for a full hour each time? Who said every yoga class must be an hour long, or you have to walk exactly 3 miles every day? No one. That is just what we are conditioned to, because knowing it’s going to be one hour exactly is easy for our brain to remember. However, if you never have a full hour to commit to your wellness practice at a time, then what? You just never workout? No. You do workout. You just do it on your terms. Maybe it’s a simple, “I’m going on a 10-minute walk at lunch and if I’m feeling fancy, I might pick up the pace and jog for a minute here and there.” We adapt! We make our wellness practice sustainable! Never be afraid to switch up your wellness practice. Do it early in the morning, do it late in the evening, do it at lunch or do it with a friend. Change the rules! Be the creative you are and make your own rules!


Allow yourself to workout in comfy clothes – You do not have to dress to impress when it comes to an at-home workout. Yes, it makes you feel good and yes, it can help you make it to your mat when you don’t feel like it. BUT on other days, it can be what’s keeping you from your mat. Never let a matching set stand between you and your wellness practice. Seriously. What do we save those old t-shirts for anyway? Allow yourself to workout in whatever you have. There’s been times I wake up, throw on a sports bra and walk in my pajama pants because the walking and how it makes me feel is what counts, not how cute I looked doing it when no one is even awake to see it! Plus, you know you’re cute in whatever you wear, so allow yourself to move in whatever way you want. This also takes the pressure off taking extra clothes to the office, changing, racing the clock, changing, and adding stress to your day. Yeah, don’t put us down for stress!


Keep it simple – There is no need for a grandiose plan unless you’re into that sort of thing. Moving your body in different ways, subtle or exaggerated is great! Some days you can hit the gym or enjoy that jam packed workout, other days you can walk, add some wall pushups, meditate, or do some breathwork. It never has to be the same and it never has to be complicated. Keep it simple. If you need some additional ideas. Let’s chat! Click here to have a one-on-one complimentary discovery call to integrate wellness into your workday and let’s make this thing sustainable.


Find a space you like – When you’re on the go, the same space isn’t always available AND switching up your space makes things interesting. Don’t take my word for it though. Literally roll out of bed and do your workout right there … next to your bed. You can do a mini yoga flow as a warm-up, some breath work, or even a bunch of push ups if you’re a morning person. My personal favorite is the kitchen. I love to use the kitchen counter for my “barre”. Plus, it’s the perfect incline for me to do some push up variations. It takes off some of the weight and it stills puts a fire in my upper body that I love to compliment my barre practices with. My desk is a great space, too. Get creative, girl! When I say you can do these workouts anywhere, I mean it. You truly can adapt your practice to your space, build some energy, and find more balance and success in your work and your wellness practice.


Do something different everyday – Your wellness practice should compliment your day. It’s meant to be a supportive best friend on the days you need one and be that same supportive best friend on the days you don’t. Somedays you need a high impact cardio intense yoga practice to compliment your high energy and racing thoughts. Other days you need a soft barre practice with intentional movement and an extra-long sivasana at the end (the part where you lay there in peace wondering how your body is so frkn amazing and why you’re so exhausted) to help you replenish some energy and digest some thoughts. Whatever it is you’re feeling allow your wellness practice to support you. Shake things up and change your mindset around wellness. It’s not just movement, it’s not just nutrition, and it’s surely not about sweating constantly. Wellness is sustainable when it compliments you! Let your wellness look different from everyone else’s. Do something different everyday to keep it fresh, fun, and yes, supportive.


Do a virtual workout with other creatives! – Have you tried this yet? A virtual workout can be so inspiring. When you can meet with other like-minded women, and all move your bodies together in different spaces and different time zones you feel connected. You share a commonality with these women. You all are creative, and you all know how important your wellness practice is. You can see how each woman adapts, learns, grows, and keeps moving forward in balance and success through the blend of work and wellness and let me tell you, it’s amazing. The collective vibe of virtual workouts is dope. There is something pretty magical about a group of women all coming together to bring forth change.


Looking for a pretty magical virtual workout? Click here to join one of our live classes!


There you have it, 7 hacks to make at-home workouts work for you! I hope these hacks inspire you to throw the rules out the window and get moving. Need some more inspiration, let’s chat. We are here for you lady. Let’s make this work and wellness thing sustainable, together!

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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