6 Things to Know About Your First Time Trying an At-Home Barre Practice

Your first time trying any new wellness practice can be scary and the feeling of not knowing what to expect can even keep you from trying it. I don’t want a sustainable wellness practice to be one of those things! Keep on reading for a few things to know about your first time trying an at-home barre practice and get ready to make this thing sustainable.

(Skip below to find the coupon for $15 off your first month subscription to our Virtual Barre + Wellness Studio.)


You do NOT need a Barre – You can use any sturdy surface to assist with balance throughout your practice. You can use a desk, your bookshelf, the back of a couch, a dining room table, a kitchen counter, a wall etc. I will say with so much clarity though, do not use anything with wheels. NO rolling chairs here! Since you can use any other sturdy surface, the options to practice barre at-home or on-the-go are endless. Let your creativity be your guide here.


Barre can be modified – Barre is a low-impact fitness regimen that fatigues the muscles and builds strength through intentional repetitious movement patterns. BUT!! If these movement patterns don’t feel right in your body, you can always adjust. The best thing to do is tell your instructor what you’re feeling and ask for some alternatives. They will be more than happy to help you adjust your practice to be safe, still progress strength, and help keep the practice sustainable for you. If they don’t, reach out to me. I’d love to help you through it!
Click here to share your questions with me or even better schedule some private sessions to help you adjust your practice for the next time you’re in your at-home barre class.


Adapt to your space – Do not let your space intimidate you. No where in the “rules” does it say you have to clear out a whole space and dedicate it to your workout and wellness space. It’s nice to have that available to you, but if you don’t no worries. Roll out a mat or don’t. Barre does require you to get down on the floor a time or two, so if that’s a thing for you grab one. If not, then don’t. If you have things on the side of you, work with it. Some is better than none and some days are better than others. All that we ask is that you show up … just as you are with an awareness of, I need this for me.


You do not need barre socks – Barre socks are mainly for grip and sanitary purposes. With this, barre socks are totally up to you. I will say, I still own my very first pair of barre socks from a couple years ago because a group studio required everyone to wear socks (which I totally get). I’ve only worn them a few times. I keep them for those just in case moments. So maybe it’s good to have one pair handy, just in case. I personally embrace my full yoga essence and earth down to my mat each time no matter barre or yoga, at home or on-the-go, so just know if you feel you need socks you can purchase them online from amazon by searching barre socks or grab them at your local barre studio. Call ahead to be sure they have some in stock.


Barre is low impact – A barre practice is one of mostly body weight exercises and small movement patterns that require little to no jumping depending on the design of the class. For example, if it’s a Barre HIIT Fusion class, please believe low impact may be out the window. On the other hand, if it’s a Barre Sculpt or Yoga Barre class low impact is valid the whole class. Never feel like you can’t ask the intensity level of a class beforehand. Also know, barre uses small hand weights, mostly 2lbs but the weights can range from 1-8lbs. Most instructors leave it up to you on whether you want to use them or not. I always grab them and keep them right next to me just in case I’m feeling ready to go for it!


Barre can be a full body workout – Barre is known for its killer leg series of sculpt and tone, but do not be fooled. Barre is a full body workout. In certain formats there is a specific arm block, core block, and mat block in addition to the leg block. These sections vary depending on the instructor and intensity of the barre class. Just remember, no matter the intensity level you always have options for modification. Best practice is to never underestimate a barre workout, but always feel empowered to take it at your pace.


Barre is a bodywork practice you can do anywhere. Whether you’re a busy woman on-the-go doing the practice in your office, a stay at-home mom getting your wellness on in the kitchen, or a digital nomad seeing the world practicing outside on the deck of an Airbnb a barre practice is for you. AND if you’re new around Honey Bee Sweat or just ready to try it out use code HBSBLOG15 for $15 off your first month of subscription with us. Check it out, workout with me, let me know how it went, and make this apart of your sustainable wellness practice.


I remember my first time at the barre and look at where that got me! It may just be the practice you fall in love with.


Take me to the Virtual Barre + Wellness Studio!

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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