My Number 1 Secret to Help You “FIND THE TIME” to Workout!


Anytime I take on a new client we always start with an extensive initial consultation before we do any movement. On that first visit, I always ask my clients why they want to get active now, and the number one answer I hear is, “I’ve always wanted to, I just didn’t have the time.”

When I get this answer, it almost gets me excited, because I know I’m going to be able to help them meet their goals. They are already in my virtual doors meaning they’ve chosen to commit, and if “finding the time” is what we are up against, we are absolutely going to win this thing, and I know you are, too! Right below is my number one not-so-secret secret to an effective and sustainable workout routine. Balance anyone?


Here it is, my favorite secret weapon - exercise snacking! Yes, I said snacking! 😏 This refers to adding in small bouts of movement throughout your day. It is the easiest thing to integrate into your lifestyle and by let’s say 5pm you may have just finished a full body workout without setting aside any other time! For all the busy women out there, this is a solution to celebrate!

Small bouts of movement spread across your day can add up to big results, and I am here for it! So, lets break it down. The benefits of exercise snacking include muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and if you exercise snack right before a meal it can help control your blood sugar levels, prevent type 2 diabetes, reduce heart disease, and other related conditions.


The timing on these short burst movements can range from person to person. My general recommendation is anywhere from 5 – 12 minutes per snack, but if you can give me 30 even better! (30 minutes is more of a meal, so once or twice per day is good here.)


Some examples of an exercise snack include 20 walking lunges or 10 on each side, 30 quick jumping jacks, walking in place for 60 seconds, 15 burpees (if we’re taking it there!), 45 rapid squats, or 12 minutes with me at the barre. The possibilities are endless here. The great part about it is you can use exercise snacking to get that heart rate up, gradually increase your oxygen intake and in turn create mindful energy. You are literally saving time, building muscular strength, building cardiovascular strength, sourcing energy, and so much more.


Exercise snacking is what keeps my clients happy. They know they can get 5 minutes in here and there and never really have to set aside a time to feel accomplished. They feel accomplished all day long! If you’re ready to get active, then I’m ready to support you. After all, we are in this together.


Click here to learn how we can work together!

Click here to learn more about signature program, MOVE!

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡

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