3 Yoga Poses to Embrace Love and Connection - Heart Chakra
Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500 Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500

3 Yoga Poses to Embrace Love and Connection - Heart Chakra

Anahatha is the Sanskrit name for the Heart Chakra meaning; infinite, unstruck, unbeaten, or boundless. This signifies an impartial and infinite love allowing a deeper understanding of self and others. The heart chakra is located at the center of the spine situated in the center of the chest, same highest as the thymus gland, located just behind the sternum.

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3 Yoga Practices to Awaken Courage and Passion - Sacral Chakra
Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500 Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500

3 Yoga Practices to Awaken Courage and Passion - Sacral Chakra

This energy inspires freedom, joy, and pleasure. It is the second Chakra located below the navel and around the genital area. It is represented by a golden-orange six petal lotus flower. The second Chakra of physical sanskrit name; Svadhisthana translates to; ‘One’s own place’, you access your ‘own place’ through sensation, through feeling.

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5 Barre Exercises to Embody Self Trust - Root Chakra
Energy Medicine Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Energy Medicine Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

5 Barre Exercises to Embody Self Trust - Root Chakra

The intentional repetition of these movements over time will help you unblock your root chakra and become more aligned as you begin to trust yourself to show up and truly embody the life of someone who trusts themselves wholeheartedly. Remember, you can still fire up your core, work your hip flexibility, and find long feel good stretches while attending to a very important energy center in the body. The base of our existence, the root chakra.

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3 Healthy On-the-Go Snacks for Busy Women
Nutrition Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Nutrition Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

3 Healthy On-the-Go Snacks for Busy Women

This makes dinner time fluctuate with my appetite still expecting a similar routine. Having nourishing on the go snacks puts my mind at ease and takes a load of stress off knowing that I can still feed my body and feel good even when life gets a little chaotic.

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8 Small Changes that can Bring You Joy Right Now
Women's Wellness Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Women's Wellness Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

8 Small Changes that can Bring You Joy Right Now

As you begin cultivating new ways to integrate wellness practices into your lifestyle, remember to start with joy. Keep reading for 8 small changes that can bring you joy right now beginning your process of growth, transformation, and residence at a higher vibration.

“Joy; the kind of happiness that doesn't depend on what happens.” -David Steindl-Rast

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The Most Important Thing Missing in Your Workouts
Fitness Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Fitness Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

The Most Important Thing Missing in Your Workouts

Each type of workout comes with immense benefits whether it’s CrossFit, yoga, barre, running, walking, etc. This isn’t about putting one against the other. This is about the one thing you’re missing in your routine all together, and that’s versatility!

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Breaking up with Toxic Sugar
Nutrition Air Christie, RYT 500 Nutrition Air Christie, RYT 500

Breaking up with Toxic Sugar

Consuming sugar causes our bodies to release insulin and stress hormones. Those, in turn, can trigger inflammation, which is one of the most common causes of chronic pain, autoimmune dis-ease, and more. The parts of our bodies where we have the least amount of blood circulation are at greatest risk of inflammation. This is why the joints, back, shins, feet, and hands are common pain points and can be the most dramatically impacted by sugar consumption.

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10 Ways to Practice Self Love and Self Compassion
Women's Wellness Air Christie, RYT 500 Women's Wellness Air Christie, RYT 500

10 Ways to Practice Self Love and Self Compassion

Sometimes loving yourself can feel like an uphill battle. It is natural to love yourself, so why can it feel difficult? Self-love looks different for each individual. Keep in mind that no one’s journey is the same. It is time to stop searching for the answers outside of ourselves and listen closely to the voice within.

Here are some ways to open the door and seek your own personal prescription of self-love:

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Learning Your Cycles and Leveraging Your Feminine Energy
Women's Wellness Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500 Women's Wellness Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

Learning Your Cycles and Leveraging Your Feminine Energy

When we start to look deep into the essence of ourselves and how we feel during the phases of our cycles we can then begin to leverage our energy, take full rests knowing there is so much growth in honoring both our ambitions and the energy it takes to get there, and we slowly begin to realize that tuning in was the answer all along.

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