Learning Your Cycles and Leveraging Your Feminine Energy


The more we look at life the more we realize all things are cyclical. If we stop long enough to be present and take in the things around us, we begin to uncover the connection between everything that has always been there. The sun rises and falls, the morning turns to evening and then into night, the moon waxes and wanes in phases, and we as women move through our very own cycles in sync with all that is.

When we start to look deep into the essence of ourselves and how we feel during the phases of our cycles we can then begin to leverage our energy, take full rests knowing there is so much growth in honoring both our ambitions and the energy it takes to get there, and we slowly begin to realize that tuning in was the answer all along.

Now, for this to work you must not only know, but practice. Take what you read here and implement these things, journal your experience as everyone is different, and ask yourself the weird questions. This may seem awkward at first, but these are the stepping stones for truly learning your cycle and leveraging your feminine energy.

Day 1 of your period is the first day of your full 28-day cycle. Cycle length can vary from person to person, but 28 days is the average cycle length.

Menstrual Phase – This phase can last up to 7 days. This is a time for reflection, turning inward, and creating a space to sit and listen. The menstrual phase is a Yin energy (slow, gentle, loving) and syncs with the new moon. The menstrual phase is associated with the season of winter. If you think about the correlations here, winter is a time we are mostly inside. Some animals hibernate. In this phase of your cycle, it is time for quality rest, reflection, and an opportunity to find new direction. Use this time to set intentions for your cycle ahead. Knowing your energy will be lower here, embody this opportunity to fully rest. This is a great time to integrate all the self-care practices you enjoy or haven’t had time for before. Maybe it’s reading a book that you’ve been putting off or taking that more than deserved nap you’ve been craving, maybe it’s spending more quality time fully present with loved ones. Whatever slow, gentle, and loving acts of kindness you can show yourself are great in this phase of new beginnings.

Supportive Movement Practices – Yin Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Meditations, Yoga Nidra, iRest

Follicular Phase – This phase averages 7 days and can fluctuate person to person. The follicular phase is when your energy begins its return. The energy represented here is Yin to Yang, meaning this is a transitional phase on the way to your peak energy. This phase is associated with the first quarter moon and the season of Spring. Connecting the dots, think of Spring. If you planted seeds during the new moon or your menstrual phase during our time of reflection and new direction, this is the season you see the first sprouts, the blooming, the ideas coming into fruition. This is the first reflection of what you manifested during the new moon or your menstrual phase. These are the days we feel on fire, driven by passion, and consistent in our quests. Things just vibe. Use this time to start on those big ideas, write out the action plan, and start checking off the action items. Embody this time with clear and concise communication, eloquently speak your truth in kindness and authority. Flow with your rhythm and trust your intuition.

Supportive Movement Practices – Cardio Based Workouts, Cycling, Zumba, Dance

Ovulation Phase – This phase lasts approximately 5-7 days and again, varies from person to person. This phase is a Yang energy (the masculine side) and is all about you walking in your highest power and putting yourself out there. Social events, team projects, public speaking, or leading creative meetings, this is the phase that can compliment theses tasks. This is where your hormones are at their peak. The ovulation phase gives you the sustainable energy you need to soar. Just make sure you don’t idle too long. You can grow fidgety, irritable, or frustrated which connects beautifully to the connection between ovulation and the full moon. Meaning, all the energy that is gathering inside you is pushing for a release! The full moon is a perfect representation of releasing what is no longer needed. For example, if you had a project you were working on with many ways to get to the end goal, the full moon and the ovulation phase allows you to release every way that wasn’t working and continue on the path you know is right in your heart. This also clears space for the creative phase to come. The ovulation phase is also associated with the season of summer. A season of full bloom, a season of opportunities to gather, share, and experience the fullness of human connection. This is truly a phase and a season to step into the light and shine.

Supportive Movement Practices – HIIT, Burn Classes, High Intensity Barre, Kickboxing

Luteal Phase – This is the phase where our bodies start winding down as our hormones begin to decline reaching their lowest during the menstrual phase. This is a good thing, as we start to slow down and honor the pauses throughout the day. The luteal phase is a Yang to Yin energy, the transition from masculine to feminine. This phase is represented by the third quarter moon and the season of Autumn. By these associations we see the full picture of our energy cycle. During the luteal phase we may start to see more synchronicities, become more aware of our surroundings, and we are able to get really creative in finding solutions through the big picture point of view our luteal phase offers us. This is the turning point of outward to inward giving us a unique vantage point of seeing in and out and offering us an opportunity to move forward in harmony. Embody this time through heart centered communication, deep intuitive conversations with a friend or loved one. Allow yourself to feel all the things, tidy up your physical space and your mental space, make it a space you love, set boundaries, and let it be a time for creating space for the new intentions of your new cycle to follow.

Supportive Movement Practices – Strength Based Workouts, Barre, Pilates, Yoga

Knowing our cyclical nature is one thing, but leveraging your divine feminine energy is truly the result of scheduling your tasks, big events, and work life around your cycles. This includes not over committing in your menstrual phase and knowing when to go full force. This means knowing you are connected to mother nature at a core level, and in nature everything blooms right on time. This means knowing the difference between goals and intentions or if they are even different at all. This means saying no to the hustle culture and yes to ease and grace in your life. Embodying your essence asks you to walk the walk. This can be a hard thing when society has said the road to success is a race to the top. Honoring your body and cultivating a deep relationship with yourself and your cyclical nature encourages the road to success is one of ease, grace, and pure intention translating to a full heart and a life well lived.

If you’re ready to sync your cycle and cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself join us inside the studio. All our movement practices are organized into the phases of the menstrual cycle helping our community complete the most nourishing and supportive practices when they need them the most. Click here to join.

Follow us on IG to learn more.

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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