The Most Important Thing Missing in Your Workouts

Are you that person who has found a workout you love? Like you love it so much it’s the only workout you do anymore? Speaking for myself, when I found yoga I was sold … forever! If I wasn’t already a barre instructor it may have just stole my heart for good. I mean if it’s fun and it feels good, why change it? Well, there’s a few reasons and switching it up can make a big difference in your results.

Each type of workout comes with immense benefits whether it’s CrossFit, yoga, barre, running, walking, etc. This isn’t about putting one against the other. This is about the one thing you’re missing in your routine all together, and that’s versatility!

Versatility is paramount in keeping you at the top of your game.

Let’s use running as our example. When you practice for a big race or run for fun, you may stretch a little before and after (which is great!) but the workout itself has your body moving in one direction the entire time, forward. This means there’s only a certain group of muscles being used over and over again. There is no lateral movement to compliment what running offers. Repetitive forward movements with no complimentary motion can become a problem overtime. This can lead to overuse injuries, sprains, strains, etc.

Let’s take yoga as our next example because I know you’re thinking you move and stretch in every direction when you’re flowing through a practice. You are! However, versatility plays a bigger role than just moving in all planes of motion. It can also refer to cardiovascular health and endurance. You can build both of these in yoga, but that is not typically why people gravitate towards yoga at first. Meaning to get the most versatility out of your yoga practice, maybe one day you engage in a slow deep stretch class and the next you engage in a fast-paced hot vinyasa based class to keep the body on its toes while you intentionally invite versatility into your workout or wellness routine.

Versatility is a concept known to coaches, athletes, and everyday athletes as cross training.

The benefits of versatility or cross training include but are not limited to:

  • Reducing your risk of injury

  • A more well rounded diverse physical fitness level

  • Increased sustainability in your workout routine

  • Reduced boredom within your workouts

  • The development of a new skill set

  • Increased strength, flexibility, mobility, endurace, power, and more

  • Improved recovery and recovery times

There are obviously many reasons to switch up your workout routine every once in awhile or add in a day of something new. If you’re looking for a way to up your fitness level and keep your body and mind at the top of their game try adding one of these movement practices into your week.

  • Swimming

  • Zumba or Dance

  • Barre

  • Walking

  • Yoga

  • Running

  • Weight Lifting

  • Cycling

  • Stretching

  • Jump Rope

  • Functional Training

  • Biking

  • Breathwork or Meditation

  • Inversions or Upside Down Skills such as Variations of Handstands

  • Agility Training

  • Rock Climbing

  • Hiking

  • Stand Up Paddle Boarding

  • Kayaking

  • Water Aerobics

I would go so far to say versatility or cross training is a secret weapon that people don’t use often enough. Don’t keep this secret weapon secret for long! There are so many different ways you can add versatility into your workout regimen. Find another practice that sparks your interest and give it a go. You never know, you may find one more thing you like more than you thought that propels your overall fitness level to new heights. Sounds like a win, win! If you need a little inspiration grab one of the ideas from the list above and start there. The options are endless and the rules are out the window. Follow your curiosity and begin to reap the benefits waiting for you when you invite versatility into your workout routine.

Want to workout with us?

Click here to check out all the different workouts we have inside our Virtual Barre + Wellness Studio.

Wishing you so much success, health, and wellness friend. 💛

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡

New Moon in Virgo - August 2022


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