3 Healthy On-the-Go Snacks for Busy Women

One thing that always makes me feel good is knowing nourishment is at my fingertips because of snacks made to fuel women on the go. As a Mom, I rush back and forth to school, games, doctor’s appointments, and anything else the kids need. This makes dinner time fluctuate with my appetite still expecting a similar routine. Having nourishing on the go snacks puts my mind at ease and takes a load of stress off knowing that I can still feed my body and feel good even when life gets a little chaotic.

Keep in mind, this is what works for my body. I am not a nutritionist. I am sharing my story and the snacks that keep me feeling fueled and focused because knowledge and genuine experience from real humans is a great resource of information for every healing journey.

When I’m on the hunt for something to keep me fueled and focused I look for three main things.

1) Ease and Effort
2) Clean Ingredients
3) The Overall Power

Ease and Effort - I am not going to lie, I prefer to pay the few extra dollars to a company that provides me ease and very little effort. Meaning, I will pay for peace of mind. I want to know without a second thought (because no one really has time for a second thought!) that the snacks I’m reaching for are good for me, period. No questions, no theories, just a really good feeling of nourishment and peace of mind. You just can’t put a price on peace of mind. It’s glorious. Plus, I love doing my part to support companies with good ethics that supply clean and honest products that require little effort of thought or research from the consumer.

Clean Ingredients - As someone who reads about nutrition for fun, I really take pride in trying my best to fuel my body the way it needs to thrive. As a mom and a human living in reality, perfection is a silly thing to strive for. However! When I come across a snack that does it whether it’s straight from Mother Earth herself or a beautiful blend of her bounty combined by humans, I am especially grateful. Clean ingredients and whole foods are pillars of nutrition that bring me back to ease and effort.

The Overall Power - In my personal experience the power of your snack can make a big difference. A peanut butter protein ball is going to keep me feeling full longer than if I had a light popcorn. If choosing the peanut butter protein ball means this Mama gets to feel satiated until the next thing on our schedule, then I’m picking them everytime. The “power” of the snack for me is keeping me feeling full. Power to you could mean something different depending on your needs and desires. Remember to always test things out for yourself. Wellness is not a one size fits all, and you should be excited to make the executive decisions about your health.

So without further ado,


APPLES - Any shape and any color this beautiful fruit delivers more fiber than most people get in a day. In my opinion, apples are basically the Tao of Health. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a saying that is proof we were on to something. Further research has shown apples immense benefits in relation to chronic disease in addition to the benefits they have in the gut microbiome. The mere fact that this fruit has a variety of flavors and aids in gut health and a healthy digestive experience is enough for me to grab one for me and one for each kid on my way out the door.

DATES - These beauties look like overgrown raisins. We can just call them the adult version. I started adding dates into my daily intake when they were an encouraged snack food on a cleanse I did. They are so sweet and taste really good in smoothies! After a few days of eating them out of the pantry before I let myself grab a less healthier snack, I was sold on their ability to make me feel full and satisfied. I was thoroughly impressed with their candy like taste and the well balanced feeling they gave me. Basically, I had no FOMO when it came to the jalapeño chips after a couple of dates. 😅

SAKARA METABOLISM BARS, ENERGY BARS, + BEAUTY BARS - If you know much about me, you probably know I am a big fan of the brand Sakara Life. They are a clean meal delivery service that also sells products (and snacks!) in their wellness boutique. They have detox teas, water drops, healthy granola, and so many more wellness options to incorporate into your lifestyle including these bars. If you start looking around and get overwhelmed, start with one! Start with the bars. Right now, out of all the bars, the Metabolism bar is my favorite. It’s chocolaty taste has won my heart and my rebel spirit. I’ll take chocolate anytime, thank you … especially on the go! Click here to shop their wellness essentials, read more about their products, and get $50 off your order of $75 or more with this referral link if you decide to shop.

These three healthy on-the-go snacks are my favorite because they’re quick, easy, and efficient. They meet the marks I’ve set for what’s important to me when it comes to nutrition. The hardest part of making this work, is getting over the FOMO of {insert your favorite snack food here} jalapeño chips. I’m guilty of this just as much as the next person and that’s what makes us human. Choosing snacks I know serve my highest good and witnessing the strength I have to choose that over my immediate comfort feels like pure joy, and at Honey Bee Sweat® we’ve always said, we believe joy is the secret to heart centered success.

If apples and dates are not your thing, I don’t blame you! Here’s some quick steps to help you find what snacks are the perfect match for your on-the-go lifestyle.

Steps to Find Your Favorite Healthy Snacks:

1) Establish what’s most important to you in regards to nutrition.
2) Do a stream of conscious list to find out what whole foods you actually like to eat. For example, figs, nuts, oranges, peaches, melon, cherry tomatoes, greek olives, Larabars, cashew bars, bananas, cucumbers, carrots, etc.
3) Decide which ones are most in alignment with your answers to step 1.
4) These are your snacks! You can take them whole or find some healthy recipes on Pinterest that combine them as ingredients. Click here to check out our Clean Eating for Beginners Pinterest Board to get you started.

Rule to Remember: The best whole foods to eat are the ones you like.

Clean eating doesn’t have to be hard if we can remember to keep it simple. The amount of information in our virtual network is overwhelming, so if I can leave you with one thing, remember to listen to your body. Don’t be afraid to start a intake tracker if you want more robust analytics of your moods and feelings throughout your day in relation to your nourishment. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions, or connect with someone who is passionate about company integrity and wouldn’t mind helping you navigate the world of research. Be resourceful and honor your body.

If you prefer more guided assistance, click here to schedule a private with our resident Holistic Nutritionist.

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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