3 Yoga Practices to Embody Grounding and Security - Root Chakra


Our Root Chakra Temple connects us to feelings of security and stability. The root chakra is the first of the seven primary chakras and lies at the base of the spine represented by a four petal flower. Our root Chakra Temple is home to sleeping Kundalini as well as our primal center. This Primal center is responsible for safety, security, survival, and our basic physical needs. The seat of existence, the Root Chakra is what roots us to the fundamental foundation of our being. Located at the base of the spine just below the sacrum. Muladhara is the energy center that is the seat of your survival and is the activator of the flight or fight in the nervous system.

When Muladhara is balanced you are able to experience being grounded and secure in the world within and around you. Grounded mentally, emotionally, and physically the Root Chakra in balance enriches our lives as a foundation to build upon. When this Energy Center is balanced, feelings of physical ease, security, prosperity, and safety can be experienced. Grounding all levels of our being in reality and common sense. Open the gateway to this Energy Center encourages us to explore life energetically, adventurous, remain calm and in the present moment. So when life throws its curve balls we are able to show up reliable, motivated, and able to manifest what is needed to stay in the flow of resilience.

Grounded and Secure:

The Root Chakra is the foundation to build life upon.You are able to feel connected to yourself with a sense of security and stability that drives healthy connections in the world. Feeling GROUNDED & SECURE in life has unlimited benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Also is our daily lives.

I invite you to imagine your favorite tree standing tall and rooted into Mother Earth. Its roots reside deep into the Earth reaching far and wide connected to all its needs to survive in its environment. These grounded and secure roots hold this beautiful tree in its foundation to build its life upon, so the three can grow and survive with ease in all seasons of life. In this connected foundation these roots bring balance in the world. The roots not only reflect the health of the tree, yet the community of life surrounding the tree. Being grounded and secure it is able to connect to life around itself and communicate. This communication not only benefits not only taking its needs, yet also by giving to its environment. This balance allows the tree to flourish in an environment that is flourishing as well.The tree is secure in this wisdom day in order to survive the environment the tree is in must be supportive and grounded into this intelligence as well. I invite you to imagine your favorite tree Roots in the earth supporting the trunk, the trunk reaching its branches toward the sky to drink in the sunshine. Now I invite you to imagine yourself as the tree, with a grounded and secure rooted base that connects you to the environment and physical world. Just as the tree thrives from the base of its rooted foundation to reach up to drink in the sunshine…See yourself with each inhale and exhale as your drink the light of life giving breath around you. Taking and releasing each nourishing pranic breath of air around you. Nourishing you and the life around you that gives you a sense of well-being in your environment. This is the energy of a balanced Muladhara or base chakra…GROUNDED and SECURE in a present and steady state of mind and heart from where we can thrive in any situation, no matter how challenging the seasons of life can be.

Yoga’s Rooted Wisdom:

Yoga naturally is a grounding practice. Practicing yoga present and mindfully will transform and activate your foundational energy center, the Root Chakra, and all of your Energy Centers. Yoga being a grounding practice itself there are specific poses that can be particularly helpful to ground and connect your mind, body, and spirit. These poses can help activate and bring balance to your Root Chakra Temple. Moving and breathing mindfully with these poses can cultivate that sense of feeling grounded, secure, and build foundation for your practice. Here are 3 incredible Yoga poses to bring balance to your Root Chakra:


Sukhasana allows you to connect with the earth beneath you by sitting into the seat of your foundation. Connecting to the surface/Earth below you while being mindful of the breath. This foundation can guide you to the inner wisdom that teaches you all you need to feel grounded and secure in the present moment. All while nourishing your internal energy with each inhale and exhale.

Guidance to Explore Sukhasana - Easy Seat Pose:

  • Allow the sit bone to ground onto the Mat/Earth 

  • Sit in a cross-legged that feels good to your body position on your yoga mat.

  • Optional: place a blanket, pillow, or bolster underneath your sit bone to help lift the spine. 

  • Inhale guiding your spine and crown of the head up towards the sky 

  • Exhale relax any tension in the shoulders.

  • Bring your arms down to the top of the legs to rest your palms on your lap or top of the knees. 

  • Optional: Gently close the eyes and become present with the breathe

  • Feel into the grounded and secure surface below you.

Affirmation: I am connected and grounded through the earth.

Essential Oil: Frankincense 

Stone or Crystal: Garnet


The closer you can bring yourself to the earth while grounding the mind and spirit with your breath.. the more you can nourish your Root Chakra. Malasana also works to strengthen the lower back and open up the hips.

Guidance to Explore Malasana - Garland Pose:

  • Start with the feet hip with or slightly wider apart and turn the feet out to 45 degrees. 

  • Mindfully invite the sit bone to lower toward the Mat/Earth

  • Rock back and forth of your feet until you find the spacing between your feet that’s comfortable for your hips…everybody is different.

  • Bring your hands to your heart-center  in prayer, and gently use your elbows to to invite your inner thighs to open (push on your inner thighs). 

  • Guide and lengthen your spine up, reaching the crown of your head to the sky with a inhale.

  • Invite the base of your spine to the ground with the Exhale

  • Breathe

  • Optional: Gently close your eyes.

Affirmation: In this present moment, I am stable, grounded, and secure.

Essential Oil: Patchouli 

Stone or Crystal: Bloodstone


Deepening your connection to the earth is one of the best ways to nourish your root chakra. During Mountain Pose connect and ground into the foundation of your own body. With your breath as your guide brings your awareness to the present moment, allowing yourself to feel grounded and secure.

Guidance to Explore Tadasana - Mountain Pose:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your feet pointing towards the top of your mat.

  • Lift all 10 of your toes, spread them apart and place them back down on the mat for extra support. 

  • Gently rock back and forth, side to side to feel into all 4 corners of your feet…your roots grounding!

  • Have a micro-bend in your knees to protect our joints.

  • Invite your tailbone slightly tucked so that your spine is straight. 

  • Pull your belly button to your spine so that your lower back is supported.

  • Roll your shoulders up to your ears with a Inhale, and roll down and back your spine. To open your chest so that you’re standing tall. 

  • Allow your palms to shine forward.

  • The crown of your head to reach towards the sky.

  • Optional to gently close your eyes and allow yourself to just be…Grounded and Secure as a Mountain

Affirmation: I am deeply and safely connected to my body and the Earth.

Essential Oil: Vetiver

Stone or Crystal: Red Jasper

Yoga to Embody Grounding and Security:

Yoga is an incredible practice to embody feelings of grounding and security. Come back to these Muladhara~Root Chakra yoga poses can help bring balance….When your nervous system needs to be guided out of fight or flight, whenever you’re feeling like your head is in the clouds and need to call yourself to come back down to Earth, when you feel uncertain or indecisive, when your feeling unsafe and worried, when you need to feel fully grounded, supported, and safe in the present moment. These poses are a foundation for you when you're needing to feel grounded and secure within the foundation of life and on the mat.

Join the Seven Chakra Primary Series Course here.

Dive into a livestream Yoga Class for the Root Chakra on June 8th. You can catch the replay inside the course after this date.

May you have peace in the mind, strength in the body, and love within your heart … Namaste

Air Christie, RYT 500

Yoga is not work to me, it is my passionate practice, & I share this embodiment of my authentic self by guiding classes with intention & heart. I have spent many years of self study & practice to find my path to teaching yoga. This journey continues on as my heart stays open to walking a yogic life. I graduated with my 500-hour yoga teacher certification from Zuna Yoga, in Bali Indonesia where I spent over 2 months devoting my life to learn how to guide students through yoga practice in an intensive, immersive training program that awoke the teacher within. I have been guiding students since June 2019. I have also obtained certifications in Buti & Hot Buti Yoga, with Veterans Yoga Project, WAE, Somatic Yoga, & The Resilient Heart™ Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath®. Opening my soul to future trainings, as I’m excited to further expand in my practice & knowledge through training, & share wisdom learned through yoga practice with students.

I’m excited to meet you on the mat and be on this empowering journey with you. Honored to be your guide to your own inner journey with yoga. I teach yoga to share the tools to self-care & self-love with mind-body connection through the practices of movement, breath, & meditation. Yoga teaches us to honor our true authentic selves & accept where we are in the moment. Each day on the mat is a new experience & opportunity to challenge the body as well as nurture it.

I strive to be a clear & compassionate guide by creating a nonjudgmental environment that encourages students to feel safe, confident, & accepted. I show up as my best self to give precise & effective cues to safely get into poses while maintaining the most important part, Prana! In classes I encourage students to let go of competitiveness, judgments, & distracting thoughts, as they breathe and move mindfully…one breath-one movement. Cultivating the wisdom of yoga as a tool to journey into the intelligence of the body, by tuning into the breath & intention of each pose, in the present moment. While always inviting students to honor & listen to their bodies. There is no need to force ourselves into shapes that are not right for us, everybody is different. In yoga we cultivate kindness to ourselves & honesty about what we need in the moment. Being open to honor & trust our flow as we share energy in the space of the studio room.

May you have peace in the mind.
Strength in the body.
And love within your heart.


3 Yoga Practices to Awaken Courage and Passion - Sacral Chakra


5 Barre Exercises to Embody Self Trust - Root Chakra