3 Yoga Poses to Embrace Love and Connection - Heart Chakra
Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500 Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500

3 Yoga Poses to Embrace Love and Connection - Heart Chakra

Anahatha is the Sanskrit name for the Heart Chakra meaning; infinite, unstruck, unbeaten, or boundless. This signifies an impartial and infinite love allowing a deeper understanding of self and others. The heart chakra is located at the center of the spine situated in the center of the chest, same highest as the thymus gland, located just behind the sternum.

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3 Yoga Practices to Awaken Courage and Passion - Sacral Chakra
Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500 Energy Medicine Air Christie, RYT 500

3 Yoga Practices to Awaken Courage and Passion - Sacral Chakra

This energy inspires freedom, joy, and pleasure. It is the second Chakra located below the navel and around the genital area. It is represented by a golden-orange six petal lotus flower. The second Chakra of physical sanskrit name; Svadhisthana translates to; ‘One’s own place’, you access your ‘own place’ through sensation, through feeling.

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