New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse - October 2022

How to be the Peace in the Storm and Still Show Up Fierce AF.

Feels like time has been flying by! Here we are already, finding ourselves riding the wave of a powerful and potent Eclipse Season. New Moon Scorpio Solar Eclipse is on October 25th, 2022.

Eclipse Season and the Nodes?

Every year we are given two Eclipse Seasons (2-3 Eclipses), 2022 brings four eclipses. Both Eclipse Seasons work in conjunction with one another. This year the first Eclipse Season occurred in May-April, with a Solar Eclipse in Taurus and a Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. The upcoming Eclipse Season will bring us a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and a Full Moon total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. These signs reflect one another during this event, it brings to mind balance and bigger picture perspectives.

Eclipses are from the moon's orbit when it creates a powerful alignment with the sun. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Full Moon is near one of the Nodes, and a Solar Eclipse occurs when a New Moon is near one of the Nodes. These North and South Nodes reflect in our own birth charts. In astrology, your life purpose is encoded in the North Node and South Node of the moon. The Lunar Nodes are directly opposite each other in the chart. Meaning they fall in two opposite zodiac signs. Long story short, your North Node represents your destiny and karmic path, and your South Node reveals your gifts and past life lessons.

Lunar Nodes Translation:

The Lunar Nodes help us discover the path to purpose, mission, and awakening to all the answers within ourselves, to activate the gifts and wisdom we came here with. Eclipse season comes to us ready to launch us into our purpose. Eclipses are usually associated with beginnings and endings. This expresses the internal world as well as external world. An Eclipse indicates a remarkable change in your life or a meaningful event that shifts your life forward. It will help finish or complete all or some of the energies started in the previous Eclipse Season (May-April). It also can build upon what we have learned so far and apply it to reveal new truths to further our evolutionary journey.

New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse Message: Open your heart to the truth about the relationships you have with life.

This Solar Eclipse in Scorpio has the support of Venus. Venus of love and beauty focuses on the work it takes in each relationship in our life - personal, professional, to the self, intimate, and others. An Eclipse being a catalyst for change and transformations, this New Moon Solar Eclipse is a shift to reveal inner truths of the heart and to open to the acceptance of intuitive understanding of where these relationships are heading in your future. This is a decision point of whether you want to stay in the work it takes to stay in these relationships, shift how you are approaching the work, or release the work altogether. New beginnings is an understatement during New Moon Eclipses!

All Eclipses affect us individually. Some we may feel intensely and others it may pass by without notice. This sign of Scorpio, this New Moon Solar Eclipse is a partial Eclipse and a gentle opener to the Eclipse Season energies. Venus, the planet of heart expansion is very active under this Solar Eclipse. With Venus very active at this time, we can flow with this Solar Eclipse energy to expand our hearts to open up to the love we want to give and receive, find clarity on what our hearts are communicating to guide us, and let go of energies that are blocks for the expansion of your heart. Though Eclipse Seasons may feel intense, they hold the capacity for the kind of change that shifts our consciousness and vibration. An invitation to drastically open your heart to the truth within you, in a gentle way.

Meet us on the mat for a one hour Yin-Restorative Heart Opening Yoga Class with an intentional heart coherence meditation. This class in guided with intuition to open and connect with your own heart during this Eclipse season! Class launches on October 25th. Open the heart to be the peace in the storm showing up fierce AF in your heart's truths!

This class link will be active 10/25/22. Comment with your name and we will add you to the class for free.

Air Christie, RYT 500

Yoga is not work to me, it is my passionate practice, & I share this embodiment of my authentic self by guiding classes with intention & heart. I have spent many years of self study & practice to find my path to teaching yoga. This journey continues on as my heart stays open to walking a yogic life. I graduated with my 500-hour yoga teacher certification from Zuna Yoga, in Bali Indonesia where I spent over 2 months devoting my life to learn how to guide students through yoga practice in an intensive, immersive training program that awoke the teacher within. I have been guiding students since June 2019. I have also obtained certifications in Buti & Hot Buti Yoga, with Veterans Yoga Project, WAE, Somatic Yoga, & The Resilient Heart™ Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath®. Opening my soul to future trainings, as I’m excited to further expand in my practice & knowledge through training, & share wisdom learned through yoga practice with students.

I’m excited to meet you on the mat and be on this empowering journey with you. Honored to be your guide to your own inner journey with yoga. I teach yoga to share the tools to self-care & self-love with mind-body connection through the practices of movement, breath, & meditation. Yoga teaches us to honor our true authentic selves & accept where we are in the moment. Each day on the mat is a new experience & opportunity to challenge the body as well as nurture it.

I strive to be a clear & compassionate guide by creating a nonjudgmental environment that encourages students to feel safe, confident, & accepted. I show up as my best self to give precise & effective cues to safely get into poses while maintaining the most important part, Prana! In classes I encourage students to let go of competitiveness, judgments, & distracting thoughts, as they breathe and move mindfully…one breath-one movement. Cultivating the wisdom of yoga as a tool to journey into the intelligence of the body, by tuning into the breath & intention of each pose, in the present moment. While always inviting students to honor & listen to their bodies. There is no need to force ourselves into shapes that are not right for us, everybody is different. In yoga we cultivate kindness to ourselves & honesty about what we need in the moment. Being open to honor & trust our flow as we share energy in the space of the studio room.

May you have peace in the mind.
Strength in the body.
And love within your heart.


Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Taurus - November 2022


Full Moon in Aries - October 2022