Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 2023

Solar Eclipse in Taurus 2023

Taking place on April 19th at 6:37 pm PST, this rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries is both a total eclipse and an annular eclipse. The New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are at the same degree in the sky, is a time of new beginnings and being that it arrives in the window of an eclipse means this New Moon energy is super charged.

This eclipse occurs at the final degrees of Aries right before the Sun enters Taurus on April 20th at 1:13 am. Meaning, this is a time of closure and endings, a time to cut the cords. With the New Moon, a time of new beginnings, you can expect to feel the pull of energy this time brings us.

Eclipses are known to bring things to light we rather hide in the corners of our hearts. The days surrounding the eclipse will be full of intense energy and heightened activity. Since it occurs in the sky at the final degrees of Aries and Aries represents the embodied warrior, this time will teach us to walk in courage and confidence straight up to our fears with no pause or second thought. This time will illuminate things that feel heavy, unseen, unaccepted, or pushed away. When we walk through life we tend to learn how to push through or accept things that we feel just don’t sit well with us. This eclipse energy is bringing them front and center for you to have a real and honest conversation with what’s holding you back so you can ascend or level up.

If the New Moon represents new beginnings (which it does!) then consider this your new beginning … AFTER you face your shadow side. It’s time to get real friend. Peek into the dark corners of your heart, and listen to the answers you’ve heard and felt all along, in your gut, in your heart, and surely in your subconscious. The ones you ask for every night. This eclipse presents an opportunity to you. Heal and evolve, or don’t. Either way, more than likely, there will be some growing pains.

Eclipses are tied to fate bringing big life decisions and big shifts to fruition. This energy of fate will realign your path. The way will be lit. You will be asked to choose. You will be asked to surrender what is not needed in your next level with so much faith! This is for your soul. Things may feel very intense for you as you move through this transition. This time calls for a clear mind. One that will allow the thoughts, feelings, and intensity to flow through you like water keeping the mind refreshed and ready for the next step in your soul’s journey. This is realignment. This eclipse could be the pivotal moment you’ve been waiting for.

The intensity of the eclipse energy in Aries, the embodied warrior, can and most likely will bring up old fears, old pain, and old emotions that seem to always stay present in the back of your mind, right at the edge of your shadow. All of these old and outdated patterns are coming to the surface with the intent of being accepted and released. This might feel extremely painful emotionally or it could feel so uplifting as the old weight is shed and you begin to feel a little lighter. The universe is pushing you to your edges. Can you sit in the discomfort of this energy without practicing avoidance? without numbing?

As you reflect on these questions, remember to acknowledge what’s showing up for you without judgement. You are simply observing.

The physical, mental, and emotional symptoms you feel during this time may start a month before the eclipse and up to a month after. These real manifestations of energy through you will be the most potent during the eclipse corridor. With what you know about these energies, we recommend preparing healing spaces or practices that will support you during this time. Perhaps, have a cozy corner set up and ready for you to fall into when you’re feeling it the most, have a best friend on standby, or set aside time (I would say a few different times!) to meditate, be with yourself, and nourish yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Aries is a fire sign, encouraging us to balance our inner fire as this transformation takes place within and around us.

It is important to stay grounded during this time. You can do that through wellness rituals such as restorative yoga, breathwork, and during this Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse, we highly suggest, meditation. Find a comfortable seat even where you are right now. If you prefer not to close your eyes find a point somewhere in front of you to keep your gaze focused and still as lean into a meditation. If you’re good with eyes closed, I invite you to drop into your practice. We recommend 20 minutes a day, however the length of time is truly up to the practitioner. You are empowered to choose.

Ultimately, this is a time of maturity. A time to step into your dharma. A time of ultimate shedding. Eclipses mark major turning points accelerating decisions, opportunity, and fated events. They are a catalyst for change. As you shed your exoskeleton and release the dark, mysterious, and wild within you to the world, rise and look outward with courage knowing you are the leader of your own life. With this Aries energy, the door is open for you to go for it.

This is a time to celebrate how far we’ve come and mark a turning point for the new to begin. This Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse and the events that take place around it will foreshadow the next year and a half of your future. Truly, take some time to savor this energy, this time of transition and transformation, and all that’s happening in your world. Let it be sacred.

So many well wishes for you friends as we encounter this Rare Solar Eclipse and New Moon energy together. If you would like some support during this time, we invite you to join us for a livestream Rare Solar Hybrid Eclipse Grounding Yoga Flow on 4/20/23 at 12:00 pm EST.

After this date, you will still be able to click the link and access the recording.

Jessica Laird, E-RYT 500

A mom, a biz owner, a Certified Barre Instructor, a 500RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a Virtual Assistant & a very ambitious human! I am also the creator and owner of Honey Bee Sweat!

I absolutely love getting to share my practice with you. Not only my physical practice, either! Wellness is MORE than that! I’m here to share the good, the bad and the in between of life, wellness and making it all work.

I help women build the work + wellness practice of their dreams and make it sustainable! I love serving the curious and the committed, and I absolutely love to serve the busy woman on-the-go. I am one, and I know one when I see one. You are my people and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this journey. 🧡


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