5 Barre Exercises to Stimulate Will Power - Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is all about will power, personal growth, intuition, and self mastery. It resides close to the navel but between the navel and the breast bone and is the third of the seven chakras in the primary series. It represents the core of who we are, our actions, and where we turn ideas into reality. The solar plexus chakra is the last chakra of matter and feels like motivation to go after your dreams. It is ruled by the sun with the primal element of fire. It ignites our passions and our self expression. This energy center is represented by the color yellow like light, fire, energy, and heat.

The Seven Chakras are mostly recognized in the practice of yoga or yogic philosophy. If you’ve been following along with our Chakra Series you know, as a barre instructor and a well developed yoga instructor I started to get curious about the results of integrating the seven chakras into more than just my yoga practice and my yogic way of life. I wanted to explore their connection and benefits across multiple disciplines of movement. This meant learning how to move in a way that restored alignment in each energy center. This exploration created a space for me to commit to a new way of practicing barre while igniting the power of these centers through different disciplines of movement.

Here’s 5 Barre Moves You Can Use to Stimulate Will Power Through Barre and The Solar Plexus Chakra:

1) Table Top Hover - Starting on all fours, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips, take a peek between your legs and if you can see your feet slide them out. Curl your toes under and press through your hands while you lift your knees 2 inches off of the mat. Hold here for 30 seconds to a minute. Continue to keep a strong posture of stability. If you begin to sink or collapse into the hips or shoulders, come down, rest, and start over. Form over everything for this one! It may seem like an easy movement, but you may reevaluate that after repeating this at least twice if not three times depending on how long you decide to hold for. Start slow and work your way up to longer hold times. This stabilization movement activates, heats up your core, and starts burning off any energy that no longer serves you in this space. Feel your power as you hold and possibly repeat an affirmation to yourself, if you’re into that. Otherwise, breathe girl! You got this!

2) Russian Twists - There’s a few ways to do this exercise, so make sure you read through all of the variations of foot placement to support you where you are right now. It’s the greatest compliment to any fitness instructor when a student chooses to honor their body. You may choose to use a small Pilates ball, a dumbell, or a weight plate to modify and/or add intensity to this barre movement. To start the Russian Twist, if using a Pilates ball place it behind your back at the base of your spine. Whether using the ball or not begin to lean back until you feel a little ledge for balance. If you have any back pain, keep your toes on the ground. Lift your heels. If not, feel free to lift your feet off the mat or even cross cross your legs at the ankles. Now twist to the right tapping your hands (or the dumbell or weight plate) on the floor and rotate to the other side tapping on the floor. Continue to move back and forth through this core rotation with control. It will be tempting to use your momentum to finish quickly, but this puts you at risk for an injury. Move slow and build your core muscles through stability and control. This movement is sure to light your inner fire stimulating heat and ultimately your will power to move through obstacles in your way, whether in your workout or your life.

3) Side Plank with Core Rotation - This fiery movement also comes with some options. Starting with your right knee on the floor extend your left leg to the back of your mat and rotate your entire body to facing the left side of the mat. Lift your left arm to the sky. This is your starting position in side plank. If you feel so inclined (get it? 😉) feel free to lift that right knee off the floor into a full side plank and start here. Take a deep inhale and on the exhale wrap your left arm underneath your right armpit and tap your right shoulder blade. Your body will naturally sway with the movement of the arm activating your core strength as you work towards stability. On the next inhale, left arm goes back up to the sky returning to your starting position. Keep your right shoulder strong and continue. Do this 10-12 times on one side and then switch. Remember to honor your body and rest as you need to. Form over everything with these stronger movement patterns.

4) Curtsy Lunge with Side Crunch - This one is done standing facing your barre or a solid surface for balance. You can use the back of chair, but stay away from ones with wheels! Start with your feet hip distance apart and hands on your surface, wall, desk, back of a chair (without wheels), etc. Step your left foot behind you and cross the midline. If you are on a mat, place your left foot near the right edge of your mat. Bend your knees in a curtsy. As you stand up, move both hands behind your head and lift your knee towards your left elbow completing the side crunch. Step the left foot back into the curtsy lunge and again into the side crunch. One curtsy lunge and one side crunch completes one repetition. Move slow and with control. The slower you go the more tension you’re putting on your muscles increasing overall strength and stability. As you progress, you can move away from any surface and do this free standing. 8-12 reps on each side, and if you’re up for it 3 sets! Be sure to keep a nice breath pattern and good form. This paired movement will be sure to light up your core, your balance, and connect you with your power.

5) Lunges with Core Rotation - To start stand with legs hip distance apart. Starting with your right leg step back into a lunge position. You’ll want to keep your stance as if you were standing on the parallel sides of a train track. A common mistake is to start with legs together and step back. This tends to put too much pressure on the knees and can be avoided with a wider stance. Once you step back bend your back knee and hover off of the floor. The front knee shouldn’t go further then your front toes. Imagine there’s a brick wall and you cannot go past that imaginary stopping point. Bring your hands to opposite shoulders forming an X pattern across your chest. Option to add a Pilates ball, a dumbell, or weight plate here for added intensity. Rotate your torso to the left and back to the center. Step together at the top of your mat returning to your starting point. Step back with your left leg into a lunge and rotate your torso to your right and then to the center. Step together. Repeat this movement pattern 8-10 times per side. I know I’ve said it a million times now, but move slow. Form is so important to protect you from injury while increasing strength and stability. The slower you go, the more you’re getting out of it. You’re here so might as well maximize your time. The intensity of this exercise will be sure to invite you to dig deep and really find your will power, your good mental mindset, and ask you to burn through all the things trying to hold you back. It will light a fire around that stagnant energy and leave you feeling strong and renewed.

All of these movements invite you to dig deep and get it touch with what you really want to bring to fruition in your life. When you do these movements you’re unlocking the energy center around self mastery, thoughts to things, sheer will power, grit, and personal growth. The deep core movement patterns are igniting a deep connection to your intuition and burning out all the fog of indecisiveness and confusion. These exercises will help you get clear, reconnect, and rekindle the light of your will power that may have been dimmed for whatever reason. The solar plexus chakra is the core of your being, and I’m so thrilled you’re ready to get going and start glowing or you know, shining your light again!

The intentional repetition of these movements over time will help you unblock your solar plexus chakra and become more aligned as you begin to source your will power and embody the life of someone who trusts themselves wholeheartedly. Remember, you can still fire up your core, work your legs, and find long feel good stretches while attending to a very important energy center in the body.

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3 Yoga Poses to Embrace Love and Connection - Heart Chakra


3 Yoga Poses to Spark Confidence and Authenticity - Solar Plexus Chakra