Full Wolf Moon - January 2023
Howl at the moon and feel into the depths of emotional Cancer. 🌊
The first Full Moon flows in the water sign of Cancer, the sign ruled by the intuitive feminine Moon herself. It creates an opportunity to go in the depth of your emotional waters and wring out anything keeping you stuck in old emotional patterns. 2023 is all about freedom, openness, and creating. To discover the freedom to create from a place of openness, to know yourself trust your own unique journey/story/gifts. Empowering support to trust in all that we already are. We are own healers, psychics, creators, and uniquely so much more. If we choose to listen within and own our truths. Owning your truth by possibly sitting with who you are. For example, one way would be to, ask yourself questions and gift yourself to listen as your heart with reveals the truths within. Maybe question like:
How do I feel and how is my body responding?
Is this my truth or someone else’s story?
Are these my beliefs/morals or learned/programmed behavior or traits?
Am I doing this for me or others?
What are my gifts?
How can I show up more for myself?
We are in this self discovery together! #JoySeeker
This full moon uses full advantage of its magnetic pull to help draw things out of us to surface them, and release them through feeling. This attracting pull helps cleanse our repressed emotions that cause havoc in many areas of our life and how we experience it. Emotions that hold us back from our purpose, that cause dis-ease in the body, and allow fear to take the wheel over our hearts. Cancer being ruled by the moon will support us in a deep purge of repressed emotion to be launched into the new year cleansed, by lifting the emotional fog to be in a place of clarity while taking the wheel of our own hearts and destiny.
FEEL into the truth of your emotional intelligence:
Emotions will run high coming into the first full moon of the year in watery Cancer accompanied by not one, but two retrogrades, followed by Mercury going direct on January 18th. Yet don’t let this steer your sails away; you have Uranus’ very supportive energies of change, freedom, innovation, and rebellion to help guide you through emotional waters of this Cancer Full Moon. Feeling through stuck emotions is a powerful way to release them from the body. Uranus is all about spiritual awakenings and kundalini awakenings, gifting you the innovation to make choices for your higher good and highest good of all. Uranus is ruled by the zodiac sign Aquarius that shares the values of this futuristic and humanitarian Uranus traits. If something radical changes in your life, Uranus most liking had something to do with it. Being emotionally honest and vulnerable offers us the opportunity to create space to transform your life. With these supporting energies charging us intentionally to shift to the mindset of change and empowerment through freedom. This is a time to get real, honest, and serious about setting intentional boundaries. Boundaries that support your emotional health, mental health, physical health, future investments, and long-term growth. Plant your seeds, start small watering your creations, and trust that they will grow. Take it easy on your self and others we are all HUMAN AF. Celebrate yourself and others for where they are in the moment because it is exactly where we are meant to be.
Retrogrades get a bad rap... Yet it may very be the universe’s way of slowing us down to go inward to be honest with ourselves, learn to trust in intuitive impulses from reaction, and create change in areas that get shaken up. They also support us a bit forcefully to reevaluate our inner world that projects our outer world. It is an initiation of building trust by being honest with where our life is and where we would like it to go. A forceful energy with good intentions one might say...
Mars the planet of action and ambition is back peddling until January 12th. Mars the warrior planet with fiery passion and motivation encourages us to take action, stay inspired, feel fully alive, and move onto our path of purpose. Mars’ energy is able to guide us to embrace our fears to either steer us towards an energetic state of contraction or expansion. Mars may represent our fears and to face them head on, our energy levels and motivation, and our ability to take action on our passions. It inspires balance with our masculine side. This retrograde is supporting the Full Moon and Uranus in all the ways! This fiery energy of Mars in retrograde can trigger the ego thinking brain to survive not thrive, hotheaded feelings or behaviors, and migraines. An opportunity to soothe the fire with intentional breaths to guide you within to take to the best action for your highest good. It is a time for taking things slow and taking a moment before you just react. You can mark your calendars, on Jan 12 Mars ends is retrograde. Mars will take a bow wrapping a ten-week retrograde show that started October 20th, 2022.
Mercury the planet of communication and self-expression is spinning backwards until January 18th ending retrograde through Capricorn. Mercury connects us with deeper insight and unlocks inner wisdom. The thinking mind uses this insight, messages, and wisdom to make the best decisions we can make in our lives in the present moment. Capricorn is all about waking up the go-getter within you and shaking things up to discover new lands and break new grounds. There is a beauty of retrograding Mercury... You may feel like the world is falling apart, opportunities have been lost, or something’s gone all sorts of wrong. Yet it gifts us a chance to sit in the seat of truth within, to really reevaluate these aspects of your life to avoid anything less than what lights up your heart.
Mercury goes direct on January 18th so you may want to take advantage and a moment to appreciate this more leisurely pace; take time setting intention and sit with everything with honesty and patience before you plant seeds of change. All of this changes as energy does a 180 when Mercury turns direct on January 18, from this moment on...it is game on! Take this precious time to rest! Rest! Rest! Take things slow and be present with the truth to take action not reaction.
Cancer Full Wolf Moon Message:
I invite you to feel into all that you truly are... and all you are truly not. Howl at the moon, let down your hair. Let the waters of compassion and unconditional love wash away old emotions stuck in the body to clear and lift the fog of old stories that keep you lost at sea. Lost in fear based past emotions. It is now the time to take the wheel and start steering on the waves of change that YOU create. This is a time to embrace the freedom to be all you are, in all of your uniqueness. The world NEEDS YOU in all of your uniqueness. Create a life you love to love by getting real with what your heart truly wants, who you are, and be in relationships that celebrate life and ones that seek joy with you! This act of self discovery opens you up to align and attract all you need.
The first step is to feel into the shadows of the deep depths of watery Cancer and the supporting planetary movement that is helping surface all that no longer serves you in this season and wash it away. Take extra care, offer more compassion, and take time to go inward. Learn to know your truth and trust in yourself fully again. Movement, dance, play, naps, baths, be near water, face planting on the bed... you name it, if your mind, body, or soul are craving something... tap into your own body intelligence and listen. Feel free to choose to flow with ease during this monumental emotional change that will guide you to new lands of positive change. It’s up to you to take the time to ‘get real’ with yourself. Journaling is a wonderful place to gather all messages received through dreams or the waking world; write down all of it. You may be surprised how revealing it is to take a step back and look at the bigger picture this way. If you are feeling overwhelmed, soothe yourself with extra self-care, nurture all aspects of yourself, and invite the water to free flow through you bringing about the changes necessary for the life you desire. Drink lots and lots of water to help flush out all the stagnant energy that has been shaken loose. This will prepare you for the New Moon in Aquarius later in January. This Full Moon is preparing you for a very exciting New Moon that will offer a compass to connecting with your soul tribe!
Everything is happening as it should.
Make time to get real. Write it out. Trust yourself! You got this, girl!
Need a minute of movement to get clarity on what you really want next? Flow with us.